1.2. Test CoverageΒΆ
You must write tests for your client application in client_test.go. Your
tests should verify correct functionality of the client, correct handling of
erroneous inputs, and any security problems. Each test should be defined in a
separate It()
Several basic functionality tests are already defined in client_test.go. Make sure that your implementation does not panic on these basic functionality tests. An implementation that panics on those tests will receive zero credit for the testing portion of the total grade.
To test your code, run go test
in the client_test
directory of the
checked out Project 2 - Starter Code repository.
Part of your testing score is determined by code coverage (the amount of the client program that is exercised in your tests). Your tests will be run against the staff implementation of the client application. A comprehensive test suite will have better coverage and will increase your score.
You can check your test score by submitting to the autograder on Gradescope at any time before the project deadline.